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How To Eat More Food & Burn Fat Faster.

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

The fitness industry is saturated with so much misinformation around reducing bodyweight, and specifically reducing body fat.

We have seen the extremes, on shows like the Biggest Loser when contestants may lose 5-7kgs in just one week!

We also have an abundance of low calorie diets, we are often looking for the “quick fix”, the “quick win” but we know where that ends up. It further adds to the cycle of Yo-Yo dieting.

It almost seems so illogical that this is the best process to follow when trying to lose weight. Thankfully, there is a better way. One that science can validate and is simple to implement.

The key component to this transformation is your Metabolism. Your Metabolism refers to all the chemical processes that go on continuously inside your body. It is influenced by your age, gender, muscle-to-fat ratio, the food you eat and physical activity. Your hormones and nervous system also influence and control your body’s metabolism.

The phrases “I have a slow metabolism, “my body just doesn’t burn much energy”, “I don’t feel hungry” or even “Ï’m big boned”.

These are all statements I hear on a regular basis, most of which are just excuses.

Contrary to popular belief that your metabolism is “permanent” and what you were born with. Metabolism can be drastically improved, and there are several ways you can do it to increase your daily ‘Basal Metabolic Rate’ or BMR. (This is how much energy your body burns each day without exercise)

Can you imagine eating more food, to burn fat faster. Can you imagine burning body fat and not feeling restricted within your lifestyle. This is the type of relationship that everyone can have with food and exercise.

Here are 5 ways you can start to speed up your metabolism so it burns energy like a V8 engine!

TIP 1: Eat more frequently

If we eat more, we burn more energy. It’s that simple. Our body works on our 3hr window during the day. Ideally we should be eating 5-6 meals per day. If this is tough to do with time, make them simple and easy to consume. A protein shake, serving of almonds (about 10), plus a piece of fruit can sit at the desk and be consumed. Not having time is not an excuse not to eat!

TIP 3: Start lifting weights or do body weight strength exercises

Lifting weights or your body weight helps us increase lean muscle mass. We are not talking about becoming a bodybuilder. Just 1-2kg more of lean muscle mass will help you burn 100-200 calories more each day! Focus your training around compound muscle movements. Like push-ups, pull-ups, squats and deadlifts which use many muscles simultaneously.

TIP 3: Do HIIT Interval Training

HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is short periods of intense cardio exercise to boost your heart rate up into the red zone (Above 85% of your max) which is then followed by periods of rest. You can do HIIT a variety of ways, low impact using an exercise Bike, Rower or Treadmill incline. To doing stair runs, skipping or hill sprints. Its time efficient training that gets results. You should aim to get your heart rate in the red zone 10 times during a session lasting 20-30mins.

TIP 4: Pick the right foods

Some foods naturally increase our metabolic rate. These include chilli, turmeric, hot peppers. Low GI carbohydrates like brown rice, sweet potato, oats and pumpkin are known for their effect on a healthy metabolism.

TIP 5: Reduce Stress and make sleep a priority

High levels of stress will down your metabolism. This is due to an increase of the hormone “Cortisol” being released in our body. The most effective way to combat cortisol production is by exercising consistently, eating nutritious food and maximising sleep. Most people need between 7-8hrs of quality sleep. This helps keep your body feeling nourished and will ensure your metabolism is healthy.

If you would like a complimentary in person PT session with Ben Purssell at his Personal Training North Lakes location, please enquire.

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